About the Breakthrough Agenda
The Breakthrough Agenda was launched at COP26 to help the world close the “collaboration gap” and accelerate international action on climate change.
The Breakthrough Agenda provides a framework for countries, businesses and civil society to join up and strengthen collaborative actions every year in major emitting sectors, and a service to support coalitions of leading public, private, and public-private global initiatives to deliver those actions.
Since its launch, the Breakthrough Agenda has established an internationally-recognised, annual, COP-centred, collaborative process – backed by 61 countries covering over 80% of global GDP, and more than 150 international initiatives – that enhances global cooperation in seven major emitting sectors: power, road transport, steel, hydrogen, agriculture, buildings, and cement and concrete, covering over 60% of global emissions.
What is the purpose of the Breakthrough Agenda
The Breakthrough Agenda provides a collaborative framework comprising of: Commitments, an annual Process and a Service to the international community.
The Breakthrough Agenda process coordinates, prioritises, and enhances global cooperation to make clean technologies affordable and accessible in all regions by 2030.
Facilitates coordination between initiatives and governments in each sector to review collective efforts from COP to COP, align progress on priority actions, and make recommendations on how to plug gaps.
Based on independent advice, building consensus amongst leading governments and the private sector on the top priority actions needed internationally in each sector to accelerate clean technology and sectoral transitions every year.
Convenes decision-makers to crowd in efforts through an annual cycle of tracking global progress and strengthening climate governance and accountability.
Sector specific goals and action
Cement & Concrete
Near-zero emission cement is the preferred choice in global markets, with efficient use and near-zero emission cement production established and growing in every region by 2030. Priority Actions for this sector will be developed in 2024.
Near zero-emission and resilient buildings are the new normal in all regions by 2030. Priority Actions for this sector will be developed in 2024.
Climate-resilient, sustainable agriculture is the most attractive and widely adopted option for farmers everywhere by 2030.
Near-zero emission steel is the preferred choice in global markets, with efficient use and production established and growing in every region by 2030.
Road Transport
Zero-emission vehicles are the new normal and accessible, affordable, and sustainable in all regions by 2030.
Clean power is the most affordable and reliable option for all countries to meet their power needs efficiently by 2030.
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THE ANNUAL Cycle: Mapping
Mapping the landscape of international collaboration initiatives and activities in each sector.
THE ANNUAL Cycle: Review
Strategic review of progress and priorities in each sector transition.
THE ANNUAL Cycle: Report
Identifying the most urgent opportunities to strengthen international collaboration.
THE ANNUAL Cycle: Priority International Action
Reviewing and developing priority actions, above and beyond current collaborative actions.
THE ANNUAL Cycle: Priority International Action
Launch action plans in response to the Report recommendations at COP.
THE ANNUAL Cycle: Country Action
Countries strengthen and prioritise international collaboration to deliver actions via existing initiatives.

Explore the Toolkit
Through the Breakthrough Agenda, partners can speed up the transition to clean technologies by boosting global collaboration and coordination across key sectors. Working together creates opportunities for faster innovation, larger investments, economies of scale, fair competition where it’s needed.