
Climate-resilient, sustainable agriculture is the most attractive and widely adopted option for farmers everywhere by 2030. 

Co-leads countries:
Egypt and the United Kingdom  


International climate finance

Deliver greater quantity and quality of climate finance to support the deployment of sustainable agricultural technologies and approaches with proven effectiveness. There should be a particular focus on agroecological and other sustainable innovative approaches, technologies that reduce food loss and waste (FLW), technologies that reduce livestock and fertiliser emissions, and crop and livestock breeding technologies.

Co-ordinated by:

Innovation Commission for Climate Change, Food Security and Agriculture and AIM for Climate, FAO, Governing and Coordinating bodies of multilateral agencies, Global Crop Diversity Trust.


Test, develop evidence, and share learning on policy and implementation

There should be a focus on the facilitation of faster uptake of proven technologies and approaches to support climate adaptation and improve sustainability.
Co-ordinated by:

The Policy Dialogue, The Policy Dialogue and FAO, The Good Food Institute, FACT Dialogue, Hesat 2030, Global Donor Platform for Rural Development.


Advance discussions with the aim of developing common principles and criteria for metrics and indicators

To track the adoption and impact of key sustainable agriculture solutions.

Coordinating body or partner initiative(s):

Co-chairs FAO and Canada, GRA, Champions 12.3.


Deliver an increase in agriculture RD&D

To support scaling up and greater accessibility of promising technologies and approaches across the entire food chain to support climate adaptation and improve sustainability.

Coordinating body or partner initiative(s):

AIM for Climate /Global Methane Hub/GRA, GRA, CGIAR’s Genetic Innovations Science Action Area, with support from the Global Crop Diversity Trust, CGIAR’s Climate Platform and Initiative on Digital Innovation, Hesat2030, The Efficient Fertiliser Consortium, International Fertiliser Development Centre, African Plant Nutrition Institute, African Fertiliser and AgriBusiness Partnership, among others.


Begin strategic dialogues on how to ensure international trade facilitates the transition to sustainable and resilient agricultural systems

There should be a focus on aligning standards, labels and regulations with a particular focus on: alternative proteins, low emission fertilisers, products from agroecological and other sustainable innovative approaches and resilient crop varieties. There should also be discussions on the pricing of agriculture emissions.

Co-ordinated by:



Landscape Coordination

Enhance the coordination and transparency of international collaboration on climate-resilient, sustainable agriculture.
Co-ordinated by:

Breakthrough Agenda Secretariat working with co-lead Egypt and with networks, alliances and initiatives in the climate and agriculture space.

Priority Actions

Agriculture Breakthrough Priority International Actions