Near-zero emission and resilient buildings to be the new normal by 2030.
Co-leads countries:
France and Morocco
Standards and Certification
Build consensus among countries on qualitative definitions and principles for Near-Zero Emissions and Resilient Buildings (NZERB) across the entire life cycle, and outline related indicators, as well as guidelines to help ensure transparency, comparability and accountability, and consult on these over 2025.
Collaborating organisations/initiatives:
WorldGBC, WBCSD, C40, CRREM, OECD, GBPN Building Net Zero: Mobilising Policy Action, GLOBE Global Building Data Initiative (GBDI), RICS, LCBI, iiSBE, WRI.
GlobalABC co-ordination support:
Materials Hub, Data Hub, Adaptation Hub, Market transformation hub, Passive Cooling Action Group & Sufficiency Action Group.
Demand Creation
Create procurement and policy commitments for NZERBs, for both new buildings and deep renovation projects, and join relevant initiatives to aggregate these commitments, as well as favour alignment of procurement policies on NZERBs related standards for clean and efficient heating and cooling technologies.
GlobalABC co-ordination support:
Materials Hub.
Collaborating organisations/initiatives:
UNEP One Planet Network (OPN), C40, WBCSD, WorldGBC (Advancing Net Zero, BuildingLife, Drastic Project, Built4People Partnership, Nebula Project), Built by Nature, BbNFund, UNIDO IDDI, GBPN Building Net Zero: Mobilising Policy Action, GLOBE Global Building Data Initiative (GBDI), Clean Heat Forum, GlobalABC coordination support through: Materials Hub.
Finance and Investment
Support countries, in particular Emerging Markets and Developing Economies (EMDEs), to expand international financial and technical assistance programmes that address blended finance instruments, policies, capacity-building of local banks and lenders, as well as build a project pipeline and address data gaps.
Collaborating organisations/initiatives:
The PEEB, IFC, WBCSD, WorldGBC, IIGCC, and OECD Decarbonising Buildings in Cities Program will work together, with coordination support from the GlobalABC Finance Hub.
GlobalABC co-ordination support:
Finance Hub.
Research and Deployment
Coordinate with governments and companies to jointly identify research priorities & knowledge gaps, share RD&D priorities and leverage existing networks to gather expertise and additional country members; as well as drive solution deployment by identifying shared challenges, highlighting replicable models, and leveraging existing networks through a participative and collaborative effort with governments.
Collaborating organisations/initiatives:
[Research] UNU-FLORES, with Living Art of Building, [Deployment] Solar Impulse Foundation, WorldGBC, C40, CEM Mission Innovation, GLOBE Global Building Data Initiative (GBDI), iiSBE.
GlobalABC co-ordination support:
Higher Education Institutions Network.
Capacity and Skills
Coordinate with countries and organisations to identify training and capacity-building priorities (including institutional capacities of national governments and local authorities), and leverage existing networks to share capacity-building resources and tools across all regions, with a focus on the establishment and compliance of building codes (in line with NZERBs principles and requirements); and to include NZERB principles and practices in institutional capacity building, educational curricula, training programs, competency assessments, and accreditation frameworks.
Collaborating organisations/initiatives:
ICC, C40, WorldGBC (BuildingLife, BuildUpon), WBCSD, OECD, GBPN Building Net Zero: Mobilising Policy Action & GBPN: Healthy Buildings Healthy Lives, GBPN Network, GLOBE Global Building Data Initiative (GBDI), RICS, UNU-FLORES, with Living Art of Building.
GlobalABC co-ordination support:
Higher Education Institutions Network, Subnational Action Group.
Landscape Coordination
Enhance the coordination and transparency of international collaboration on near-zero emission and resilient buildings, in coordination with the work for the Intergovernmental Council for Buildings and Climate (ICBC) meetings.
Collaborating organisations/initiatives:
GlobalABC in close partnership with Breakthrough Agenda team and leading participating initiatives/partners in the sector.
Priority Actions
Buildings Breakthrough Priority International Actions