Cement & Concrete Initiatives

The Breakthrough Agenda landscape maps offer an in-depth analysis of each initiative, how it interacts with a corresponding Breakthrough, and what actions it is taking to progress sectoral transitions. These initiatives for Cement and Concrete include:

  • Industrial Deep Decarbonization Initiative (IDDI)
  • Climate Club
  • First Movers Coalition
  • Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA)
  • IEA Working Party on Industrial Decarbonisation (WPID)*
  • Leadership Group for Industry Transition (LeadIT)
  • MI Net Zero Industries Mission (MI NZI)
  • Mission Possible Partnership 

* No website available

Endorsing countries:

Australia, Austria, Canada, Egypt, Germany, Ireland, Kenya, Republic of Congo, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, Türkiye, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom.


Mission Possible Partnership

The Mission Possible Partnership (MPP) is a movement of climate leaders and companies driving industrial decarbonisation across the entire value chain of the world’s highest-emitting heavy industry and transport sectors, including iron and steel.

MPP’s objective is to achieve tipping points in the adoption of deeply decarbonized technology solutions across its focus sectors. It does this by fostering collaboration across the full range of relevant stakeholders (policy, industry, and finance) to improve the conditions for investment in deep decarbonization and drive capital towards commercial-scale projects.

Knowledge capability & skills

Knowledge capability & skills

Ensuring widespread availability of the technical and administrative capability and skills needed to implement policy / deploy clean solutions.

Long-term vision & action plans

Long-term vision & action plans

Putting in place strategies and targets and developing actions plans to provide longer-term confidence in and clear direction on the transition.

MI Net Zero Industries Mission (MI NZI)

The Net-Zero Industries Mission brings together an ambitious alliance of ten Mission Innovation member countries to work closely with private sector associations, intra- and non-governmental organisations and research institutes to drive the development of innovative cost-effective solutions for the decarbonisation of energy-intensive and hard-to-abate industries. By 2030, MI NZI pursues the goals of implementing at least 50 large-scale demonstration projects; fast-tracking the development to TRL 8 of radical breakthrough low-emission technologies and reducing the capital expenditure of low-emission innovative technologies by more than 15%.

MI NZI Member Countries: Australia, Austria, Canada, China, the European Commission, Finland, Germany, the Republic of Korea, the United Kingdom, USA.

Research & innovation

Research & innovation

Ensuring strong support for and collaboration on research, development and demonstration of new or enhanced solutions and capabilities.

Leadership Group for Industry Transition (LeadIT)

LeadIT is a public-private partnerships platform that brings together countries and companies committed to aligning high-emitting industries with the Paris Agreement by 2030, and reaching net-zero emissions by 2050. LeadIT focuses on fostering partnerships, enabling the necessary policy environment; mobilising finance flows; and exchanging best practice, to support a just and inclusive industry transition.

Finance & investment

Finance & investment

Ensuring the availability of finance and capability / confidence of investors to support the widespread scale-up of clean solutions.

Knowledge capability & skills

Knowledge capability & skills

Ensuring widespread availability of the technical and administrative capability and skills needed to implement policy / deploy clean solutions.

Long-term vision & action plans

Long-term vision & action plans

Putting in place strategies and targets and developing actions plans to provide longer-term confidence in and clear direction on the transition.

Industrial Deep Decarbonization Initiative (IDDI)

The IDDI is a coalition of 10 governments working with the private sector, think tanks and academia to stimulate the demand for low and near-zero emissions materials, starting with steel, cement and concrete. The IDDI advocates for public procurement commitments via its Green Public Procurement Pledge to stimulate the demand for green products and is working to harmonize systems for carbon reporting and benchmarking of industrial products.

Demand creation & management

Demand creation & management

Stimulating markets for clean solutions via procurement, smartly matching supply and demand and mitigating inefficient use via resource efficiency policies.

Standards & certification

Standards & certification

Developing and applying standards and certification processes, supported by accurate, verifiable data, to enable the differentiation of low emission products and services and to facilitate their use.

IEA Working Party on Industrial Decarbonisation (WPID)

A forum for IEA Family governments, industrial organisations, and other relevant public and private stakeholders, to work together on key substantive questions towards accelerating industrial decarbonisation. The initial focus area of the WPID is on definitions related to what constitutes ‘near-zero emission’ and ‘low-emission’ in heavy industry, how standards can support their use, and how they can be used in policy.

Knowledge capability & skills

Knowledge capability & skills

Ensuring widespread availability of the technical and administrative capability and skills needed to implement policy / deploy clean solutions.

Standards & certification

Standards & certification

Developing and applying standards and certification processes, supported by accurate, verifiable data, to enable the differentiation of low emission products and services and to facilitate their use.

Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA)

The GCCA is a CEO-led organisation, grouping sustainability leaders from around the world. The GCCA and its member companies – of forty of the leading cement and concrete companies in the world – have signed a joint industry ‘2050 Climate Ambition’. The ambition statement demonstrates the commitment of the industry across the globe to drive down the CO2 footprint of the world’s most used man-made product, with an aspiration to deliver society with carbon neutral concrete by 2050.

Demand creation & management

Demand creation & management

Stimulating markets for clean solutions via procurement, smartly matching supply and demand and mitigating inefficient use via resource efficiency policies.

Long-term vision & action plans

Long-term vision & action plans

Putting in place strategies and targets and developing actions plans to provide longer-term confidence in and clear direction on the transition.