Cement & Concrete

Near-zero emission cement the preferred choice in global markets, with efficient use and near-zero emission cement production established and growing in every region of the world by 2030.

Co-leads countries:
Canada and the United Arab Emirates

Definitions, standards and certification

Accelerate the development of standards for low-emission and near-zero emission cement and concrete by:

– expediting the development of draft common definitions and working towards interoperability and net-zero compatibility of emissions measurement standards, and consulting on these over the course of 2024/2025, in order to announce, at COP30, a common timeframe for the formal adoption of common and interoperable standards for the cement and concrete industry. 

– sharing knowledge to accelerate the adoption of emissions reporting by the mid-2020s

– developing a definition of ‘alternative fuel’ to enable the use of waste replacing coal in the context of cement production by COP30.

Co-ordinated by:

Clean Energy Ministerial Industrial Deep, Decarbonisation Initiative (CEM IDDI), IEA Working Party on Industrial Decarbonisation (IEA WPID).


ConcreteZero, GCCA.

Demand creation

Rapidly grow demand offtake for low and near-zero emission cement
and concrete by:

– encouraging all signatory countries to join/sign intent towards joining the
CEM IDDI Green Public Procurement Pledge by COP29.

– working together to develop packages of coordinated high-quality public and
private procurement and purchase agreements for these products by COP30.

Co-ordinated by:

Clean Energy Ministerial, Industrial Deep, Decarbonisation Initiative (CEM IDDI), First Movers Coalition (FMC), ConcreteZero.

Collaboration, education, innovation and scale-up of existing technologies

Support more robust knowledge-sharing and enhanced international assistance for deep decarbonisation of the cement and concrete sector (including for enabling technologies and infrastructure) by COP30, with a goal of accelerating the delivery of a growing number of globally significant priority demonstration projects for near-zero emission cement technologies.

Co-ordinated by:

Mission Innovation Net, Zero Industries Mission, Mission Possible Partnership, Industry Transition Accelerator (ITA), ConcreteZero, GCCA.

Finance and investment and relevant ecosystem

Finance and investment and relevant ecosystem: Strengthen the international financial and technical assistance offer through matchmaking for industrial decarbonisation of the cement and concrete sector by COP30, with a particular focus on ensuring that developing countries have better access to assistance (including from multilateral development banks), and supporting a more thorough understanding of the regulatory roadblocks that prevent projects from reaching investor support, with the goal of mobilising private investment at scale in emerging and developing economies.

UNIDO, CIF Industrial Decarbonisation Programme.

Co-ordinated by:

LeadIT, Industry Transition, Accelerator (ITA), Climate Club.

Landscape Coordination

Enhance the coordination and transparency of international collaboration on low and near- zero emission cement and concrete.

Co-ordinated by:

Breakthrough Agenda Secretariat in close partnership with leading international initiatives.

Priority Actions

Cement & Concrete Breakthrough Priority International Actions