Leadership Group for Industry Transition (LeadIT)

LeadIT is a public-private partnerships platform that brings together countries and companies committed to aligning high-emitting industries with the Paris Agreement by 2030, and reaching net-zero emissions by 2050. LeadIT focuses on fostering partnerships, enabling the necessary policy environment; mobilising finance flows; and exchanging best practice, to support a just and inclusive industry transition.

The Programme for Energy Efficiency in Buildings (PEEB)

The Programme for Energy Efficiency in Buildings (PEEB) aims to transform the building sector by promoting sustainable building design and construction. PEEB combines financing for energy efficiency in large-scale projects with technical assistance through policy advice. PEEB mobilizes innovative financing solutions for large building projects, such as hospitals or schools, but also large national green […]

Sustainable Finance

WorldGBC’s with the support of 28 Green Building Councils is dedicated to unlocking impactful finance flows into the transition towards a sustainable built environment.

Paris Aligned Asset Owners

Paris Aligned Asset Owners are a global group of 56 asset owners, with over $3.3 trillion in assets. Consistent with their fiduciary obligations to clients and beneficiaries to avoid financial risk and to maximize long-term value of assets they have made individual commitments to transition their investments to achieve net zero portfolio GHG emissions by […]

Net Zero Asset Managers

The Net Zero Asset Managers initiative is an international group of asset managers committed, consistent with their fiduciary duty to their clients and beneficiaries, to supporting the goal of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 or sooner, in line with global efforts to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius; and to supporting investing aligned […]

Market Transformation Action Agenda

The Market Transformation Action Agenda is an ambitious initiative that brings together built environment stakeholders from all along the value chain to identify the key barriers preventing us from achieving a net zero built environment and build a comprehensive action agenda to overcome them.   It addresses the fragmentation characterizing the value chain by aligning existing […]

Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change

IIGCC brings the investment community together to work towards a net zero and climate resilient future. We create change the world needs by unlocking investor action on climate change.  Our work supports investors in generating returns for clients and beneficiaries, which in turn provides financial wellbeing for future generations.   We work with our members to […]

UNIDO – Global Programme for Hydrogen in Industry

The Global Programme aims to promote a Just Transition of industry in developing countries and transition economies by fostering local production and application of clean hydrogen. The programme has two key pillars of work: The Global Partnership for Hydrogen in Industry and the Technical Cooperation Programme.       The partnership acts as a platform for Member […]

Mission Innovation – Clean Hydrogen Mission

Research and Innovation is the core of Mission Innovation. We stimulate R&I collaboration. Important is the identification and assessment of best-practice case studies across the clean hydrogen R&I value chain. with proven cost-reduction potential increasing the cost-competitiveness of clean hydrogen. Clean hydrogen needs to be proven for a variety of end-uses including heavy industry and […]

IRENA (& our Collaborative Framework Green Hydrogen)

The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) is a leading global intergovernmental agency for energy transformation that serves as the principal platform for international cooperation, supports countries in their energy transitions, and provides state of the art data and analyses on technology, innovation, policy, finance and investment. In hydrogen, we are focused on supporting member countries […]

Finance & investment

Finance & investment

Finance & investment

Ensuring the availability of finance and capability / confidence of investors to support the widespread scale-up of clean solutions.