Mission Possible Partnership
The Mission Possible Partnership (MPP) is a movement of climate leaders and companies driving industrial decarbonisation across the entire value chain of the world’s highest-emitting heavy industry and transport sectors, including iron and steel. MPP’s objective is to achieve tipping points in the adoption of deeply decarbonized technology solutions across its focus sectors. It does […]
Leadership Group for Industry Transition (LeadIT)
LeadIT is a public-private partnerships platform that brings together countries and companies committed to aligning high-emitting industries with the Paris Agreement by 2030, and reaching net-zero emissions by 2050. LeadIT focuses on fostering partnerships, enabling the necessary policy environment; mobilising finance flows; and exchanging best practice, to support a just and inclusive industry transition.
IEA Working Party on Industrial Decarbonisation (WPID)
A forum for IEA Family governments, industrial organisations, and other relevant public and private stakeholders, to work together on key substantive questions towards accelerating industrial decarbonisation. The initial focus area of the WPID is on definitions related to what constitutes ‘near-zero emission’ and ‘low-emission’ in heavy industry, how standards can support their use, and how […]
WBCSD Built Environment Pathway
Decarbonizing the built environment is key to attaining global climate goals as it represents 40% of total energy-related CO2 emissions and 40% of global resource use. WBCSD works with its member companies to help them collaborate along the full value chain to achieve their own climate targets and support decarbonization across the built environment lifecycle […]
The Programme for Energy Efficiency in Buildings (PEEB)
The Programme for Energy Efficiency in Buildings (PEEB) aims to transform the building sector by promoting sustainable building design and construction. PEEB combines financing for energy efficiency in large-scale projects with technical assistance through policy advice. PEEB mobilizes innovative financing solutions for large building projects, such as hospitals or schools, but also large national green […]
OECD Programme on Decarbonising Buildings in Cities and Regions
The OECD Programme Decarbonising Buildings in Cities and Regions supports local, regional and national governments to design policies that enhance the implementation of decarbonisation measures in the built environment through: Data and analysis: collecting quantitative and qualitative data on decarbonising buildings (energy efficiency, embodied carbon), building digitalisation (BIM, smart buildings) and related policy environments in […]
Net Zero Carbon Buildings Commitment
The Net Zero Carbon Buildings Commitment is an industry leading climate initiative, developed to recognise and promote advanced climate action from businesses, organisations, cities and subnational governments in decarbonising the built environment. Commitment signatories are showcasing industry leadership by decarbonising their own portfolios, tackling both operational and embodied carbon, creating the required market demand signals, […]
GBPN Building Net Zero: Mobilising Policy Action
GBPN supports government and industry to achieve their climate commitments through strategies that are evidence-based, proven, scalable, and transferable to other locations. We facilitate stakeholder-led policy reform plans, support with implementation and capacity building, and foster sub-national coalitions to ensure zero-emissions policy adoption, scale private sector commitments, and increase access to sustainable, affordable, and resilient […]
Built by Nature’s (BbN) Fund
Built by Nature’s (BbN) mission is to lead a global transformation of the built environment by mainstreaming the use of biobased materials as a solution in tackling the twin crises of climate and biodiversity loss. BbN Fund provides grant funding, targeted to enable research and action projects to help overcome barriers that stand in the […]
Building Capacity for Sustainable and Resilient Buildings
The Initiative seeks both governmental and non-governmental signatories to support the development and deployment of appropriate building safety regulatory ecosystems around the world to ensure communities achieve their resilience and decarbonization goals. The Initiative highlights the lack of existing capacity for effective building code implementation and enforcement in many jurisdictions, limiting the effectiveness of well-designed […]