Sustainable Finance
WorldGBC’s with the support of 28 Green Building Councils is dedicated to unlocking impactful finance flows into the transition towards a sustainable built environment.
Net Zero Carbon Buildings Commitment
The Net Zero Carbon Buildings Commitment is an industry leading climate initiative, developed to recognise and promote advanced climate action from businesses, organisations, cities and subnational governments in decarbonising the built environment. Commitment signatories are showcasing industry leadership by decarbonising their own portfolios, tackling both operational and embodied carbon, creating the required market demand signals, […]
Global repository of Efficient Solutions in the Built Environment Sector
The Solar Impulse Foundation aims to become the directory of all financially viable and environmentally friendly solutions, with a clear focus on built environment solutions in 2024. This initiative is driven by a profound commitment to sourcing and promoting cutting-edge clean tech innovations globally to address the pressing challenges outlined in the SDG. Leveraging on […]
International Partnership for Hydrogen and fuel cells in the Economy (IPHE)
The IPHE is a global inter-governmental partnership between more than 23 countries and the European Commission. Established in 2003, the IPHE’s objective is to facilitate and accelerate the transition to clean and efficient energy, industry, and mobility systems using fuel cells and hydrogen technologies. It provides a forum for sharing information on policies and […]
Hydrogen for Development Partnership (H4D)
Objective is to collect and disseminate best practice solutions and knowledge that can help the uptake of clean hydrogen. Currently around 40 of the world’s leading hydrogen institutions participate.
Steel Methane Program
Mission Possible Partnership (MPP)
The Mission Possible Partnership (MPP) is a movement of climate leaders and companies driving industrial decarbonisation across the entire value chain of the world’s highest-emitting heavy industry and transport sectors, including iron and steel. MPP’s objective is to achieve tipping points in the adoption of deeply decarbonized technology solutions across its focus sectors. It does […]
Climate Investment Funds Industry Decarbonization (CIF Industry) Program
CIF Industry aims to accelerate the transition of high-emitting industries in developing countries to, and unlock investments in, low to net zero-carbon and climate-resilient business models and technologies. CIF will support MDBs, governments, and the private sector to design, finance and implement programs and projects to commercialize clean technologies; scale-up and decarbonize clean technology supply-chains; […]