Mission Possible Partnership

The Mission Possible Partnership (MPP) is a movement of climate leaders and companies driving industrial decarbonisation across the entire value chain of the world’s highest-emitting heavy industry and transport sectors, including iron and steel. MPP’s objective is to achieve tipping points in the adoption of deeply decarbonized technology solutions across its focus sectors. It does […]

Leadership Group for Industry Transition (LeadIT)

LeadIT is a public-private partnerships platform that brings together countries and companies committed to aligning high-emitting industries with the Paris Agreement by 2030, and reaching net-zero emissions by 2050. LeadIT focuses on fostering partnerships, enabling the necessary policy environment; mobilising finance flows; and exchanging best practice, to support a just and inclusive industry transition.

Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA)

The GCCA is a CEO-led organisation, grouping sustainability leaders from around the world. The GCCA and its member companies – of forty of the leading cement and concrete companies in the world – have signed a joint industry ‘2050 Climate Ambition’. The ambition statement demonstrates the commitment of the industry across the globe to drive […]

WBCSD Built Environment Pathway

Decarbonizing the built environment is key to attaining global climate goals as it represents 40% of total energy-related CO2 emissions and 40% of global resource use. WBCSD works with its member companies to help them collaborate along the full value chain to achieve their own climate targets and support decarbonization across the built environment lifecycle […]

Sharm-El-Sheikh Adaptation Agenda

Launched at COP27, the Sharm-El-Sheikh Adaptation Agenda (SSAA) is a comprehensive, shared agenda to rally global action around 30 adaptation outcomes that are needed to address the adaptation gap and achieve a resilient world by 2030. The agenda is a vehicle to rally both state and non-state actors. An implementation report is due to be […]

Race to Resilience

The Race to Resilience campaign aims to catalyse a step-change in global ambition for climate resilience, aiming to strengthen the resilience of 4 billion people in vulnerable communities by the year 2030. The Campaign was launched by the UN Climate Action High-level Champions in January 2021 at the Climate Adaptation Summit, alongside the State-driven Adaptation […]

Paris Aligned Asset Owners

Paris Aligned Asset Owners are a global group of 56 asset owners, with over $3.3 trillion in assets. Consistent with their fiduciary obligations to clients and beneficiaries to avoid financial risk and to maximize long-term value of assets they have made individual commitments to transition their investments to achieve net zero portfolio GHG emissions by […]

OECD Programme on Decarbonising Buildings in Cities and Regions

The OECD Programme Decarbonising Buildings in Cities and Regions supports local, regional and national governments to design policies that enhance the implementation of decarbonisation measures in the built environment through:  Data and analysis: collecting quantitative and qualitative data on decarbonising buildings (energy efficiency, embodied carbon), building digitalisation (BIM, smart buildings) and related policy environments in […]

Net Zero Carbon Buildings Commitment

The Net Zero Carbon Buildings Commitment is an industry leading climate initiative, developed to recognise and promote advanced climate action from businesses, organisations, cities and subnational governments in decarbonising the built environment. Commitment signatories are showcasing industry leadership by decarbonising their own portfolios, tackling both operational and embodied carbon, creating the required market demand signals, […]

GBPN Building Net Zero: Mobilising Policy Action

GBPN supports government and industry to achieve their climate commitments through strategies that are evidence-based, proven, scalable, and transferable to other locations. We facilitate stakeholder-led policy reform plans, support with implementation and capacity building, and foster sub-national coalitions to ensure zero-emissions policy adoption, scale private sector commitments, and increase access to sustainable, affordable, and resilient […]

Long-term vision & action plans

Long-term vision & action plans

Long-term vision & action plans

Putting in place strategies and targets and developing actions plans to provide longer-term confidence in and clear direction on the transition.