Hydrogen Initiatives
The Breakthrough Agenda landscape maps offer an in-depth analysis of each initiative, how it interacts with a corresponding Breakthrough, and what actions it is taking to progress sectoral transitions. These initiatives for Hydrogen include:
- Clean Energy Ministerial’s Hydrogen Initiative (CEM H2I)
- First Movers Coalition
- Green Hydrogen Organisation (GH2)
- Hydrogen Council
- IEA Advanced Fuel Cells Technology Collaboration Programme (AFC TCP)
- IEA Hydrogen Technology Collaboration Programme (Hydrogen TCP)
- IMO (International Maritime organisation)
- Industrial Transition Accelerator (ITA)
- International Partnership for Hydrogen and fuel cells in the Economy (IPHE)
- IRENA’s Alliance for Industry Decarbonization
- IRENA’s Collaborative Framework Green Hydrogen
- Mission Innovation’s Clean Hydrogen Mission
- OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA)
- OECD’s Clean Energy Finance and Investment Mobilisation (CEFIM)
- RMI’s Green Hydrogen Catapult
- UN High Level Climate Champions Team
- UNIDO’s Global Programme for Hydrogen in Industry
- World Bank’s Hydrogen for Development Partnership (H4D)
- World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
- World Economic Forum’s Accelerating Clean Hydrogen Initiative
- World Economic Forum’s Transitioning Industrial Clusters initiative
- World Trade Organisation
Endorsing countries:
Australia, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, China, Denmark, Egypt, European Commission, Finland, France, Germany, Guinea Bissau, Holy See, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Lithuania, Mauritania, Morocco, Namibia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States.
UNIDO – Global Programme for Hydrogen in Industry
The Global Programme aims to promote a Just Transition of industry in developing countries and transition economies by fostering local production and application of clean hydrogen. The programme has two key pillars of work: The Global Partnership for Hydrogen in Industry and the Technical Cooperation Programme.
The partnership acts as a platform for Member States, industries, private sector, investors, research and academic institutions. It provides opportunities for policy dialogue, awareness-raising, knowledge sharing and joint project development. Through the TC Programme, UNIDO cooperates with industry and government in developing countries and transition economies to design and implement specific clean hydrogen projects in developing countries. These projects focus on the decarbonization of hard-to- abate sectors and aim to stimulate innovation and the application of locally produced clean hydrogen, thereby, creating additional job opportunities and economic gains for the respective region/country.
Demand creation & management
Demand creation & management
Finance & investment
Finance & investment
Market structures
Market structures
Standards & certification
Standards & certification
Mission Innovation – Clean Hydrogen Mission
Research and Innovation is the core of Mission Innovation. We stimulate R&I collaboration. Important is the identification and assessment of best-practice case studies across the clean hydrogen R&I value chain. with proven cost-reduction potential increasing the cost-competitiveness of clean hydrogen. Clean hydrogen needs to be proven for a variety of end-uses including heavy industry and long-distance freights. Investment in research development, demonstration, and scale-up will all be vital.
We facilitate the delivery of 100 integrated hydrogen valleys worldwide by 2030.
We are stimulating knowledge exchange between MI but also non-MI countries on different topics enabling a global hydrogen ecosystem.
Demand creation & management
Demand creation & management
Finance & investment
Finance & investment
Long-term vision & action plans
Long-term vision & action plans
IRENA (& our Collaborative Framework Green Hydrogen)
The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) is a leading global intergovernmental agency for energy transformation that serves as the principal platform for international cooperation, supports countries in their energy transitions, and provides state of the art data and analyses on technology, innovation, policy, finance and investment. In hydrogen, we are focused on supporting member countries to improve their understanding of the role for, and means to enable the adoption of, green hydrogen and hydrogen derivatives (particularly methanol and ammonia) in addressing hard-to-decarbonise end use sectors. Our analysis supports evidence-based policy making, and we aim to enhance international collaboration wherever possible.
Demand creation & management
Demand creation & management
Finance & investment
Finance & investment
Knowledge capability & skills
Knowledge capability & skills
Long-term vision & action plans
Long-term vision & action plans
Standards & certification
Standards & certification
International Partnership for Hydrogen and fuel cells in the Economy (IPHE)
The IPHE is a global inter-governmental partnership between more than 23 countries and the European Commission. Established in 2003, the IPHE’s objective is to facilitate and accelerate the transition to clean and efficient energy, industry, and mobility systems using fuel cells and hydrogen technologies.
It provides a forum for sharing information on policies and technology status, as well as on initiatives, codes and standards to accelerate the cost-effective transition to the use of FCH in the economy. The goal is to enhance the security and efficiency of energy systems, to help address environmental objectives, and to grow the economy. It is also active in areas including consumer awareness, safety, and careers/skills.
Demand creation & management
Demand creation & management
Landscape co-ordination
Landscape co-ordination
Standards & certification
Standards & certification
IEA Hydrogen Technology Collaboration Programme
The Hydrogen Technology Collaboration Programme (TCP) was established in 1977 under the IEA auspices to pursue global collaborative hydrogen research and development and information exchange among its member countries. Through creating and conducting around 50 research projects called Tasks, the Hydrogen TCP has facilitated and managed a comprehensive range of hydrogen R, D&D, and analysis activities. The Hydrogen TCP envisions a hydrogen future on a clean sustainable energy supply that plays a key role in all sectors of the global economy. The Hydrogen TCP is the premier global resource for technical expertise in hydrogen RD&D.
Demand creation & management
Demand creation & management
Research & innovation
Research & innovation
Standards & certification
Standards & certification
Hydrogen for Development Partnership (H4D)
Objective is to collect and disseminate best practice solutions and knowledge that can help the uptake of clean hydrogen. Currently around 40 of the world’s leading hydrogen institutions participate.
Landscape co-ordination
Landscape co-ordination