Launched at COP27, the Sharm-El-Sheikh Adaptation Agenda (SSAA) is a comprehensive, shared agenda to rally global action around 30 adaptation outcomes that are needed to address the adaptation gap and achieve a resilient world by 2030. The agenda is a vehicle to rally both state and non-state actors. An implementation report is due to be launched at COP28.

The agenda is outcome-focussed, people-focussed and is framed around five key systems, one of which is ‘Human Settlements’. The five Human Settlement objectives include, providing better homes, early warning systems, finance for nature-based solutions and reducing open-waste burning.

The outcomes align stakeholders behind simple, common goals. The outcomes provide a framing to shift leaders beyond discussions about direction, towards action and implementation.

Long-term vision & action plans

Putting in place strategies and targets and developing actions plans to provide longer-term confidence in and clear direction on the transition.