The ZEVWISE coalition is a strategic network aimed at accelerating the adoption of zero-emission medium- and heavy-duty vehicles (ZE-MHDVs) by advancing at least 10 road global corridors by 2026. Focusing on infrastructure and finance, ZEVWISE brings together key stakeholders, including the Netherlands, CALSTART’s Drive to Zero program, ICCT, Smart Freight Centre, US Department of Energy, United Kingdom, The Electric Vehicles Initiative, The World Bank, WBCSD, International Transport Forum, and the United Nations Environment Programme. ZEVWISE advances solutions for publicly available infrastructure, that can be replicated in different geographical contexts and help achieve the goals of the Global MOU on ZE-MHDV to achieve net zero by 2050. 

Infrastructure & supply chains

Ensuring that the necessary supporting infrastructure is in place (e.g. hydrogen, CCUS, electricity networks) and that supporting supply chains are sufficiently at scale.