Key People

Meet the secretariat working to deliver the Breakthrough Agenda.

Paul Durrant

Joint Head of the Breakthrough Agenda Secretariat

Peter Dale

Joint Head of the Breakthrough Agenda Secretariat

Ilina Stefanova

Power Breakthrough Facilitator and Programme Officer, International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)

Dima Khoury

Buildings Breakthrough Facilitator, UNEP/Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction (Global ABC)

Harley Higgins-Watson

Hydrogen Breakthrough Facilitator, International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)

Ashpreet Sethi

Road Transport Breakthrough Facilitator, The International Council on Clean Transport (ICCT)

Hugo Salamanca

Steel Breakthrough Facilitator, UNIDO

Peter Allen

Agriculture UK co-lead, Foreign, Commonwealth
& Development Office (FCDO)

Laura Inge

Head of Comms, Events and new Breakthroughs

Lizzie Johnson-Abery

Head of Breakthrough Agenda Diplomacy and Project Delivery

Mariana Monteiro Grilo Baguenier

Head of Breakthrough Agenda Governance and Partners