Power Initiatives

The Breakthrough Agenda landscape maps offer an in-depth analysis of each initiative, how it interacts with a corresponding Breakthrough, and what actions it is taking to progress sectoral transitions. These initiatives include:

  • Accelerating to Zero Coalition (A2Z)
  • CEM Electric Vehicle Initative (EVI)
  • Climate Group EV100
  • Collective for Clean Transportation Finance (CCTF)
  • FIA Foundation
  • GEF E-mobility Programme
  • Global Battery Alliance (GBA)
  • Global Facility to Decabonise Transport (GFDT)
  • Global MoU on medium and heavy duty vehicles
  • Green Grids Initiative (CGI)
  • International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT)
  • International Transport Forum (ITF)
  • International ZEV Alliance
  • Road Transport Breakthrough
  • Smart Freight Centre
  • Systemiq
  • The Enviromental Collaboratory at Drexel University
  • The Global Fuel Economy Initiative (GFEI)
  • Transport Decarbonisation Alliance (TDA)
  • UC Davis
  • United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)
  • United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) Used Vehicles Programme
  • WEF Road Freight Zero & First Movers Coalition (FMC)
  • World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
  • ZEV Emerging Markets Initative (ZEV EMI)
  • ZEV Transition Council (ZEVTC)

Endorsing countries:

Australia, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, Denmark, Egypt, European Commission, Finland, France, Germany, Holy See, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Lithuania, Morocco, Namibia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, North Macedonia, Norway, Panama, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States.


Super-Efficient Equipment and Appliance Deployment (SEAD)

The Super-Efficient Equipment and Appliance Deployment (SEAD) Initiative works to rapidly accelerate the energy efficiency of appliances. It brings together governments, manufacturers, and other organisations to strengthen appliance efficiency policies. It does this by sharing knowledge, providing research, supporting policy, and driving ambition. 

Knowledge capability & skills

Knowledge capability & skills

Ensuring widespread availability of the technical and administrative capability and skills needed to implement policy / deploy clean solutions.

Long-term vision & action plans

Long-term vision & action plans

Putting in place strategies and targets and developing actions plans to provide longer-term confidence in and clear direction on the transition.

Regional and Global Energy Interconnection (RGEI)

The Regional and Global Energy Interconnection (RGEI) Initiative facilitates the transition of energy systems to electricity-centred and interconnected modern energy systems. The RGEI aims to:   

  • Discuss enabling policy and regulatory frameworks for regional and global energy system integration;   
  • Build consensus on facilitating the energy transition through an increased share of renewable energy in energy  

Consumption and increased grid interconnection; Encourage CEM member countries to engage in the RGEI process and seize opportunities for cooperation. 

Knowledge capability & skills

Knowledge capability & skills

Ensuring widespread availability of the technical and administrative capability and skills needed to implement policy / deploy clean solutions.


RE100 is the global corporate renewable energy initiative bringing together hundreds of large and ambitious businesses committed to 100% renewable electricity. Over 400 RE100 companies have made a commitment to go ‘100% renewable’. 

Demand creation & management

Demand creation & management

Stimulating markets for clean solutions via procurement, smartly matching supply and demand and mitigating inefficient use via resource efficiency policies.

Irena’s Collaborative Framework on “Enhancing Dialogue on High Shares of Renewables in Energy Systems”

Established to create a common forum to exchange national experiences and promote technical cooperation among countries and key relevant actors. The three pilot workstreams, proposed by and agreed upon by Members, are cross-border interconnections. (ii) energy system operation and (iii) energy system planning. 

Research & innovation

Research & innovation

Ensuring strong support for and collaboration on research, development and demonstration of new or enhanced solutions and capabilities.

International Smart Grid Action Network (ISGAN)

The International Smart Grid Action Network (ISGAN) strives for the accelerated development and deployment around the world of smarter, cleaner electricity grids. ISGAN’s national experts come from 26 countries and the European Commission. ISGAN is a Technology Cooperation Programme of the International Energy Agency (IEA) and an initiative of the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM). ISGAN is committed to identifying emerging advances, sharing best practices, and raising high-level government awareness on the value and impact of smarter grids.  

ISGAN facilitates dynamic knowledge exchange, among its participants and stakeholders. Unbiased policy analysis and recommendations are a top priority for ISGAN.   

Knowledge capability & skills

Knowledge capability & skills

Ensuring widespread availability of the technical and administrative capability and skills needed to implement policy / deploy clean solutions.

International Labour Organisation

The ILO brings together governments, employers and workers of 187 Member States, to set labour standards, develop policies and devise programmes promoting decent work for all women and men. 

Finance & investment

Finance & investment

Ensuring the availability of finance and capability / confidence of investors to support the widespread scale-up of clean solutions.

Knowledge capability & skills

Knowledge capability & skills

Ensuring widespread availability of the technical and administrative capability and skills needed to implement policy / deploy clean solutions.