Steel Initiatives

The Breakthrough Agenda landscape maps offer an in-depth analysis of each initiative, how it interacts with a corresponding Breakthrough, and what actions it is taking to progress sectoral transitions. These initiatives for Steel include: 

  • CEM – Industrial Deep Decarbonization Initiative (IDDI)
  • Climate Club
  • Climate Investment Funds Industry Decarbonization Program (CIF Industry)
  • First Movers Coalition
  • G7 Industrial Decarbonisation Agenda*
  • IEA – Industrial Energy-related Technology and Systems TCP
  • IEA Working Party on Industrial Decarbonisation (WPID)*
  • IRENA Alliance for Industrial Decarbonisation
  • Leadership Group for Industry Transition (LeadIT)
  • Mission Innovation Net Zero Industries Mission (MI NIM)
  • Mission Possible Partnership
  • OECD Steel Committee
  • ResponsibleSteel
  • Steel Breakthrough
  • SteelZero
  • UNEP Steel Methane Program (SMP)*
  • World Steel Association
  • WTO Trade and Environmental Sustainability Structures Dialogue 

Endorsing countries:

Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Egypt, European Commission, Finland, France, Germany, Guinea Bissau, Holy See, India, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Morocco, Namibia, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Türkiye, United Kingdom, United States.


Worldsteel Open Forum

An annual event, aiming to engage with stakeholders in the steelmaking ecosystem, including equipment manufacturers, suppliers, international organisations and academia, and to discuss issues related to the steel industry’s decarbonisation transition. 

Demand creation & management

Demand creation & management

Stimulating markets for clean solutions via procurement, smartly matching supply and demand and mitigating inefficient use via resource efficiency policies.

World Steel Greenhouse Gas Reporting Standards

Aligned with the Steel Standards Principles, worldsteel is undertaking an exercise to build on existing work to further identify the commonalities and differences between existing greenhouse gas (GHG) measurement standards and accounting methodologies on a company, site and product level. Based on the findings, worldsteel’s methodologies, which are globally applicable and widely used, will be updated. worldsteel will work with other standards and methodology organisations to align on methodologies, including the relevant ISO standards. 

Standards & certification

Standards & certification

Developing and applying standards and certification processes, supported by accurate, verifiable data, to enable the differentiation of low emission products and services and to facilitate their use.

Steel Methane Program

Finance & investment

Finance & investment

Ensuring the availability of finance and capability / confidence of investors to support the widespread scale-up of clean solutions.

Landscape co-ordination

Landscape co-ordination

Fostering collaboration and reducing duplication across the landscape of initiatives.

Research & innovation

Research & innovation

Ensuring strong support for and collaboration on research, development and demonstration of new or enhanced solutions and capabilities.


ResponsibleSteel is a global not-for-profit multistakeholder standard and certification initiative. Our mission is to be a driving force in the socially and environmentally responsible production of net-zero steel, globally. We are a membership lead organization and currently represent 15% of global steel production in our membership amongst other leading demand side, civil society organizations. 

Demand creation & management

Demand creation & management

Stimulating markets for clean solutions via procurement, smartly matching supply and demand and mitigating inefficient use via resource efficiency policies.

Finance & investment

Finance & investment

Ensuring the availability of finance and capability / confidence of investors to support the widespread scale-up of clean solutions.

Long-term vision & action plans

Long-term vision & action plans

Putting in place strategies and targets and developing actions plans to provide longer-term confidence in and clear direction on the transition.

Social engagement & impact

Social engagement & impact

Ensuring the sector transition takes account of the views and needs of diverse social groups, supports wider social, economic or environmental goals and is accepted by society.

Standards & certification

Standards & certification

Developing and applying standards and certification processes, supported by accurate, verifiable data, to enable the differentiation of low emission products and services and to facilitate their use.

OECD Steel

The OECD is undertaking a wide variety of projects on industrial decarbonisation (see this recent brochure for an overview). With respect to steel, the following projects are of particular relevance for the Breakthrough steel agenda:  


Steel Committee   

  • Monitoring of steel markets, capacity and trade with an increasing emphasis on decarbonisation aspects  
  • Targeted analysis of steel and the circular economy with an emphasis on steel scrap  
  • Assessment of steel company net-zero strategies, challenges and policy needs  
  • Mapping of policies (including subsidies) relevant for steel with emphasis on decarbonisation policies  
  • Observatory for critical raw materials for the steel industry, with focus on decarbonisation (e.g. high quality iron ore)   

The Clean Energy Finance and Investment Mobilisation (CEFIM)  

  • The CEFIM programme aims to strengthen domestic enabling conditions to attract finance and investment in renewables, energy efficiency and decarbonisation of industry in emerging economies, including in steel.  
  • CEFIM has developed a  Framework for industry’s net-zero transition to support countries in decarbonising industrial sectors. The Framework is being implemented in four countries, in particular in Indonesia and South Africa for the steel sector. 

Demand creation & management

Demand creation & management

Stimulating markets for clean solutions via procurement, smartly matching supply and demand and mitigating inefficient use via resource efficiency policies.

Finance & investment

Finance & investment

Ensuring the availability of finance and capability / confidence of investors to support the widespread scale-up of clean solutions.

Research & innovation

Research & innovation

Ensuring strong support for and collaboration on research, development and demonstration of new or enhanced solutions and capabilities.

Trade conditions

Trade conditions

Ensuring national and international trade conditions for system components and the resulting commodities support rapid adoption of clean solutions.

Mission Possible Partnership (MPP)

The Mission Possible Partnership (MPP) is a movement of climate leaders and companies driving industrial decarbonisation across the entire value chain of the world’s highest-emitting heavy industry and transport sectors, including iron and steel.  

MPP’s objective is to achieve tipping points in the adoption of deeply decarbonized technology solutions across its focus sectors. It does this by fostering collaboration across the full range of relevant stakeholders (policy, industry, and finance) to improve the conditions for investment in deep decarbonization and drive capital towards commercial-scale projects. 

Infrastructure & supply chains

Infrastructure & supply chains

Ensuring that the necessary supporting infrastructure is in place (e.g. hydrogen, CCUS, electricity networks) and that supporting supply chains are sufficiently at scale.

Knowledge capability & skills

Knowledge capability & skills

Ensuring widespread availability of the technical and administrative capability and skills needed to implement policy / deploy clean solutions.

Landscape co-ordination

Landscape co-ordination

Fostering collaboration and reducing duplication across the landscape of initiatives.