
Near-zero emission steel the preferred choice in global markets, with efficient use and near-zero emissions steel production established and growing in every region by 2030.

Co-leads countries:
Germany and the United Kingdom

Definitions and standards

Principles for net-zero compatible standards and definitions to enable their equivalency and adoption within national policies by the end of 2025.

Co-ordinated by:

Clean Energy Ministerial Industrial Deep Decarbonisation Initiative (CEM IDDI), IEA Working Party on Industrial Decarbonisation (WPID), Climate Club (CC)


ResponsibleSteel, International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO), World Steel Association (WSA)

Demand creation

Grow demand for low and near-zero emission steel through appropriate implementation frameworks.

Co-ordinated by:

Clean Energy Ministerial Industrial Deep Decarbonisation Initiative (CEM IDDI), First Movers Coalition (FMC), Steel Zero, Climate Group, Industrial Transition Accelerator/ Mission Possible Partnership (ITA/ MPP)

Research, development and demonstration

Accelerate the development of pilot and commercial-scale demonstration projects with a focus on deep decarbonisation technologies.

Co-ordinated by:

Mission Innovation Net Zero Industries Mission (MI NIM)

Trade Conditions

Expand strategic international dialogues on the nexus between steel decarbonisation and trade.

Co-ordinated by:

Climate Club (CC), World Trade Organisation (WTO), OECD Steel Committee

Finance and investment

Continue to enhance international assistance tailored to the efforts of emerging markets and developing economies to support steel deep decarbonisation, including through access to technical and financial assistance.

Co-ordinated by:

Climate Club (CC), LeadIT, CIF Industrial Decarbonisation Programme, UNIDO (incl. the CC Global Matchmaking Platform), Industrial Transition Accelerator/ Mission Possible Partnership (ITA/ MPP), OECD Framework for Industry’s Net Zero Transition, World Bank

Landscape Coordination

Enhance the coordination and transparency of international collaboration on near-zero emission steel.

Co-ordinated by:

Breakthrough Agenda Secretariat, Steel Breakthrough co-leads. UNIDO as hosts of the Steel Breakthrough Facilitator


All leading international steel initiatives

Priority Actions

Steel Breakthrough Priority International Actions